
Sunday, 8 March 2015

Weekly Report 22nd Feb - 26th Feb

Week Beginning 22nd Feb

This week's tasks includes: 
  • Finalizing the content and layout for articles 2 and 3.
  • Photo shopping a UAE map 
  • Weekly Report.
The first task was the finalize the content and layout for articles 2 and 3. These articles are the 'Essentials guide to Abu Dhabi and the 'Kids Corner!'. The essentials guide is going to be a simple list of what to take on a day out in Abu Dhabi for different ages plus a general list. The kids corner article is going to be small interviews with children about their favorite animal and why, it will also have a photo of a drawing that the child did of there favorite animal.

The second task was to photo shop out the excess background from a map of the UAE to use in article 4. This took up the reminder of the week which meant that the composing of the front cover had to be pushed to next week.

Lastly was the weekly report.


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