
Sunday, 8 March 2015

Weekly Report 1st Mar - 5th Mar

Week Beginning 1st Mar

This week's tasks includes: 
  • Continue Photo Shopping the UAE map.
  • Putting the front cover together.
  • Weekly Report.

The first task was a continuation from last week as I have learnt that doing a simple task such as removing a background can be very time consuming and lengthy. However, this task was finshing on time with no other issues. 

Next was to put all of the items on the front cover to finish it. However this couldn't be completed as I was having technical difficulties downloading and installing my chosen fonts for the mast head and smaller headings. 

Lastly was the weekly report.

Weekly Report 22nd Feb - 26th Feb

Week Beginning 22nd Feb

This week's tasks includes: 
  • Finalizing the content and layout for articles 2 and 3.
  • Photo shopping a UAE map 
  • Weekly Report.
The first task was the finalize the content and layout for articles 2 and 3. These articles are the 'Essentials guide to Abu Dhabi and the 'Kids Corner!'. The essentials guide is going to be a simple list of what to take on a day out in Abu Dhabi for different ages plus a general list. The kids corner article is going to be small interviews with children about their favorite animal and why, it will also have a photo of a drawing that the child did of there favorite animal.

The second task was to photo shop out the excess background from a map of the UAE to use in article 4. This took up the reminder of the week which meant that the composing of the front cover had to be pushed to next week.

Lastly was the weekly report.


Thursday, 19 February 2015

Weekly Report 15th Feb - 19th Feb

Week Beginning 15th Feb

This week's tasks includes: 
  • Weekly Report for the week beginning 8th Feb.
  • Moderation of Photos.
  • Drafting Articles.
  • Front Cover photo.
  • Plan next weeks tasks- 22nd Feb.
  • Weekly Report.

The first task of this week was to complete the weekly report from last week due to having a sick day. This was completed on Tuesday 17th Feb.

The second task of the week was to complete the final stages of the moderation of the casting photos, which was to edit/crop the remaining 36 photos.

The next task was to draft the articles, their layout and possible photos that I would be using. I completed this task in Microsoft publisher as it has templates for magazines that are ready to use. The benefit of this is that it saves time and I was able to show my target audience a basic mock up of the page. It also means that when it comes to using Photoshop in a couple weeks time all I have to do is copy the layout.  

Then I started to put together potential front covers, this meant choosing a selection of photos that I had taken during the first stages of production, and placing them with different fonts, layouts and colour schemes. The difficulties with this is that I was finding it difficult to keep to the original pitch of educating a general through wildlife. However, I have narrowed it down to two potential designs: A giraffe with a vertical mast head and the sneak peaks for the articles along the bottom; and a child climbing a tree on the right hand side with the sneak peaks of the articles on the left, it also has a horizontal masthead. These front cover need to be shown to a focus group to choose the final layout.

Lastly, I had to plan the tasks for the week beginning 22nd Feb; these tasks include photo shopping a UAE map for one of the smaller articles and finalizing the content for articles 2 and 3.

The last task was to complete the weekly report. 

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Wildlife attractions in the UAE

Wildlife Attractions 

  • Al Ain Zoo.
  • Dubai Aquarium and Underwater Zoo.
  • Dubai Dolphinarium. 
  • Emirate Park Zoo. 
  • Exo Terra. 
  • Posh Paws Animal Santuary and Petting Zoo.
  • Sharjah Aquarium.
  • Atlantis Lost Chambers. 
  • Al Tamimi Stables. 
  • Sharjah Desert park. 


Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Weekly Report-8th Feb- 12thFeb

Week Beginning 8th Feb 

This Weeks Tasks included: 

  • Take casting photos.
  • Upload and moderate photos.
  • Weekly Report.
The first task this week was to take the casting photos, that I got permission for last week. Due to the models being under the age of 18; so sticking to legal and ethical conditions I sent out permission slips to parents with children aged 3-8 years old. The return for this was amazing, I received over 50 responses. however, despite the amazing return, I was a bit behind schedule due to lack of communication from staff and an overall misunderstanding of the task I was trying to complete. This meant I couldn't start taking pictures on Sunday 8th. There was also complications with using older children as the permission slip wasn't sent to parents. 

The second task of the week was to upload, delete and edit the photos, that I took at the beginning of the week. This was was completed in several stages, the different stage included deleting out of focus, or bad quality photos. This stage takes the longest as I took around 400 photos to moderate. The second stage of this process is going through the remainder of the photos is selecting a manageable amount of photos the edit and crop to find the select few that i can use for my magazine. The last stage of this process will be completed next week; this is because of a sick day on Thursday 12th. 

The last task was to complete the weekly report for the tasks completed thAT week. 

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Magazine Planning


For my A2 Media Project I will be creating 3 Articles, 1 Entertainment page, Front cover, Back cover advertisement and a content page. Below is the break down of each section, with contingency plans if needed.

Front Cover: The photo will reflect the main article of the magazine, which is about the Emirates Park Zoo located on 12th Street, Al Bahia. This photo will be A child will one of the animals at the zoo. The front cover will include; a mast head/title which is usually at the top of the page. Subheadings of different articles. Tagline to attract the audience. Sneak peaks at the bottom of the page with some small pictures. A border around the outside of the picture.
Contingency Plan: Group photo with an animal background, or just an animals. The front cover child all depends on what permissions I receive.

Back Cover: It will be a full page advertisement of a place that is mentioned in the magazine. It will be constructed using an existing attraction, that I have tailored to suit the purposes of this project. The advertisement like everything else to do with the magazine with center around the idea of educating a generation and families.

Content Page: A contents page includes: A masthead advertising the title of the page. Date of issue.Page Numbers, and locations of the stories. A list of the article headings with a small blurb of the article. Subheadings, boxes and dividers between each different topics. A couple of small pictures that correspond with the articles.

Article 1: Review of the emirates park zoo, explaining my experiences. these will include the positives of the trip and the zoo and the negative experiences with advice of how to over come these issues.   

Originally it was interviews of the staff explaining there jobs, role in the zoo, the animals they look after, positives and negatives. However, due to lack of communication from the zoo, this is no longer possible.

Article 2: Essentials for a day out in Abu Dhabi. This will include safety for children in particular areas, tips for attractions, what to pack for different locations. 

Article 3: Kids Corner!: This is a bunch of small interviews with children about there favorite animal with a drawing of this animal.

Article 4:  Top 10 Must See attractions in Abu dhabi- with children. 

Entertainment section: puzzles, mazes, arts and crafts animal masks, colour by number and a door hanger.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Permission for Casting Photos

Casting Photos Permission.

Below is the email chain between the Head of Primary, class teachers and myself. The emails are following a meeting I had with the head of primary, explaining about my A2 project and the putting the letter into context. It was also to stress that the photos are just for exam purposes and that the magazine isn't going to be published.

Also the permission slip that I made to send out to parents to get their permission to take photos of there children is featured below.

  • This email is from me to the Head of Primary- Michaela Barber.

From: Cora Milne []
Sent: 03 February 2015 11:34
To: Michaela (Kila) Barber
Subject: Casting Photos Permission


Please see attached for the information letter and permission slip for the casting photos for my Media Studies Project.

Please could you inform parents and staff with children in FS1 to year 3, about this opportunity.

Also could you stress that it will not be published and is purely for exam purposes and that no animals will be involved.

Many Thanks 

Cora Milne :)

  • This was the email that followed, explaining the opportunity that primary had to help out with my A2 project. This was sent to the Heads of Year for primary.

Michaela (Kila) Barber

to PrimarymeJanette
Dear All
Please can you support Cora Milne a Post 16 student.
She would like to send out the letter to parents from Fs1-Y3 and take photos for her AS project.
If you are happy for your year group to take part please send on to parent liaisons to disseminate.
Many thanks

Kind Regards

Mrs Barber
Head of Primary  – Al Yasmina School
An Aldar Academies School

  • Below is the casting permission that was sent to parents.

Dear Parents, 

For my A2 Media Studies project I am producing a Wildlife Travel Magazine, with the first issue focusing on Abu Dhabi and the UAE. The aims of the magazine are ‘Educating a generation’ on the treatment and respect of animals. 

The first half of this project was researching the different topics that would interest a parental audience of 25-45 years. Through this research I have found that children on the front cover with animals is the most effective of attracting this target audience. 

I am writing to you to ask permission to take some casting photos of your Child/Children for the cover of the magazine. The age range that I am looking for is between 3-8 years old. 

As agreed with the class teachers and head of year your child will be taken out of class on either Sunday 8th, Tuesday 10th, Wednesday 11th or Thursday 12th Feb. They will miss about 20 minutes of a lesson. 

If you wouldn’t mind your child taking part in this activity please fill out the form below, and submit it to your child’s teacher by Sunday 8th Feb. 

Any Questions please feel free to email me on


Cora Milne 

13 Maktoum

A2 Media Studies Student

Casting Photos Permission Slip. 

Childs Name:



Year Group/ Class Name:

Would you like to receive your child’s casting photos (Please Circle): Yes/No

I ................................... have no objection for my child photographed for the purpose of an A2 Media Studies Project. I understand that the magazine is purely educational and will not be published.

Parent/ Guardian Name:                               Parent Signature:

Head Of Primary Signature: