
Monday 3 November 2014

Analysis of Music Video/ Interviews Survey


For the audience, content and viability research into my Music video idea, I compiled 7 questions on survey monkey. Survey Monkey allowed me to send out my questionnaire through all my social media accounts and throughout the world, with out the hassle of printing loads of copies, therefore wasting paper and then having to sort through all the answers afterwards.I found this survey helpful and successful to some degree, this is because I received a mixture serious and and not serious answers, this meant I had to discount some answers. The result of this questionnaire means that my initial idea has a very small potential target market. This because my target audience doesn't have time for lengthy shows and aren't really that interested.

Question 1- What is your age?

Question 2- What is your gender?

Question 3- what type of music do you listen to?

Question 4- What's your favourite band?

Question 5-How do you listen to music?

Question 6- Do you watch MTV music or something similar?

Question 7- Would you be interested in watching a music video with interviews of the band?


  1. Cora, you start by saying this is research for your wildlife magazine but the questionnaire is based around music and music magazines. Can you clarify?

  2. it was just typing error, all fixed now :)
