
Wednesday 19 November 2014

Cost of Advertisements

How Much does Magazine Advertising Cost?

(All Costs are an American Average converted in Dirhams)

What It is: Print ads that run in local or national magazines.

Appropriate: For all businesses

Typical Cost: Between 1,836 AED and 73,450 AED, depending on whether the publication is local or national, the size of the ad, whether the advert is in colour or in black and white, and whether or not it is a one time occurrence or a multiple thing. On the inside front cover of national magazines can cost of much 1,836,250 AED.

How it works: A lot of forms of advertising, many national magazines have locals sections aimed at smaller business. The local sections are a bit larger then normal expectations, this is due to the fact that cover a large part of the country. This is good as I can attract people outside my local area as well as local people.

Before buying space in a magazine the follow topic need to be addressed, What's the magazine's circulation? What are the demographic of the readers? How often is the magazine published? How is it distributed? What are the special sections or theme planned for the year?

  • Magazine advertising has a wide range of pricing, smaller local magazine charge less then the big national magazines. This is due to them having millions of subscribers. They can afford to be picky when it comes to pricing.
  • When I decide what advertisements to include in magazine, I will have to review my subscriber base and the demographics and psychographics of my audience. This is because I need to have adverts that the audience can identify with, find interesting and will hopefully shock them into the conservation of animals and the wildlife of the country.
  • If I chose to have an online version which would widen my target audience as it would make it easy to access in today society. I need to base adverts on the number of visitors and who it is visited by.
  • I will also have to take into consideration of the size, as larger ads I can charge more and then less for smaller adverts. I will have to make the more significant adverts bigger as this connotes a bigger emotional response. For example if I had a page full of business card size adverts this would dilute the impact and diminish the importance of the message.
  • The frequency of the adverts in important as I don't want to swamp the magazine with advertisements as this takes away from the main articles; and vica versa I don't want to little adverts as I still need to make money. I would be able to charge less for a committed advertising company as this would be a regular income of adverts. However, I could only do this for successful adverts, as I would need to keep the space open to give other companies a chance.
  • (all prices are based on an American average converted into Dirhams) The prices I could charge around 7,345 AED for a one time advert, while the same advert run in six issue would cost 5,508.75 AED. However the business would pay for each the issue.
  • An Example Is a one-time ad in the regional issue of another national magazine was 36,725 AED and only 24,605 AED for the same ad if run 12 times. 
  • Some magazines charge a set-up cost. If you change the ad, you may have to pay the set-up cost again. For example, at the time of publication a national magazine charged from 6,243 AED to 30,481 AED for changes, depending on the size of the ad. 
  • The colour of the advert is has an affect on the cost that I can charge. For example adverts with fours colour cost more then adverts with two colours. Then black and white adverts are the cheapest of all.
  • The positioning of the adverts is important as it reflects the cost. Adverts can be inside the front and back cover as these are the prime advertising spaces. Adverts can be any size of a A4 page, and also they can be located anywhere at the magazine.But advertising towards the front of the magazine is more expensive, with the exception of the back cover. However, the common place for is the back couple of pages. Towards the front of the magazine I can specify a specific size.
  • An example of the cost for the inside front cover is the west coast magazine at the time of publication charged 141,800 dollars which is 520,760 AED.

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